What is Nature Based Education?

Nature based education is described as education that occurs with nature. But it is so much more than just that. It incorporates methods from the Montessori, Reggio Emilia, Play, and Place based methodologies. Combining the best part of these methods within nature creates an environment for learning that puts the success of the child at the center.

Nature Based

Nature Based Education utilizes the natural environment authentically outdoors and incorporated into the inside environment. Driven by students natural tendencies, immersed in the local environment, and valuing all the earth has to offer, students develop compassion, creativity, and courage.


Utilizing student choice, an organized environment, and student interests, the Montessori method develops independence and confidence.

Reggio Emilia

The environment as the third teacher, child constructed, encouraged self expression, the Reggio Emilia method develops children who are courageous and inquisitive.

Play Based

Authentic interactions and connection centered play allows children to become more creative; encouraging taking healthy risks and setting boundaries.

Place Based

Inquiry based, community centered, and interdisciplinary practices develops children who are compassionate capable, and knowledgeable.